Monday, August 25, 2008

Reasons why I need to be in your CS2 class!

Hey, it's Susan Oliasami!  I have decided that I must be in the creative strategy 2 class with the best teachers. Now, I would have blogged earlier then the day before the class started but I just got back from Los Angeles and Hawaii with my family. So, trust me when I say that I would have started blogging long ago to get into this class if I had been able to go on the internet. I was out of town for 20 days and I realized that I LOVE Los Angeles. Of course there were more advertisements and the billboards were amazing. LA may be a place I would want to live one day, the only problem is how expensive living is in LA... I'll just have to figure that out when the time comes. 

But, I just want to say that I have never worked as hard as I worked in CS1 and I honestly feel that it was the best class I have taken since I've been in college. I'm not just saying that to suck up, it's true! I'll be there tomorrow night and I hope you will let me enjoy CS2 as much as I enjoyed World Famous Creative Strategy 1!!

Reasons why I need to be in your CS2 class!

1 comment:

Tom Laughon said...

Win, lose or draw, we love suck ups. See you tomorrow night!

We can't wait to get the creativity ball rolling ...