Monday, September 1, 2008

University Center C, Floor 3, Mr. Jack’s office door.

August 27th, 2008

I'm irate. Since this is a" free thinking, creative" blog and I'm allowed to write whatever I choose….I'm going to go ahead and " free think" on how and why I believe University C, Floor three is a conglomerate of incompetent, inconsiderate, intellectual jerks. Allow me to illustrate…."creatively".
My advisor is professor is out all week. He suggests another professor who will authorize my internship for this semester. (I have a graphic design internship with the Onyx group in Tallahassee). I choose not to disclose the name of this professor, purely for my own personal interest. I would like to keep his future cooperation and services on retainer. From here on we will refer to him as Mr. Jack. I, being the naturally responsible student I am, e-mailed Mr. Jack to explain my situation and to set up a convenient time to meet with him. Mr. Jack. says anytime Wednesday after 1:30.
I, being the ever punctual person I am at his door at 1:25.(That's actually a lie…a fat one. Anyone who knows me knows that being late is like my personal trademark. Consistently and flawlessly executed, but I really was on time because I have class at 2:30 and needed to get this done. Besides I'm turning over a new leaf and it’s a goal I'm working on. )
Mr. Jack’s door is closed and locked and his name plate stares me in the face. I'm early and decide to entertain myself with my brand new Palm Centro. I upgraded last week from my indestructible 80's phone and it was a life altering change. I love it. Its touch screen….be jealous.

1:40 I've already completed my entire to do list on my palm for the next week, downloaded a ringtone and changed my background. I'm still making excuses for Mr. Jack….Maybe he is walking back from a class.

1:50 I'm annoyed. Really. The receptionist is clearly new and glances over and smiles nervously at me, like he thinks he should do something for me but does not know what.

1:52 A fellow student of Mr. Jack approaches me "Are you waiting on Mr. Jack"

As a result of my state of mind I’m tempted to fire back with “No, I was just hired on by the communication school as a wall flower…how am I doing?" I refrained. I wanted to save all of my anger for Mr. Jack. Instead I smiled sweetly and replied "YUP since 1:30"

2:00 Clearly in distress. I'm annoyed. Immensely. On a scale of 1-10 I'm a strong seven. I'm rehearsing the attitude I plan on giving Mr. Jack. My feet hurt from standing and I'm tempted to sit in the middle of the hallway, but imagining Mr. Jack finally walking up on me sprawled out in the middle of the hallway is more than my pride can handle. I refuse to give him the advantage point. I continued standing.

2:10 After 45 minutes. I storm out. I have class at 2:30 and it is at least a 15 minute walk.

I'm really perturbed. Having a doctorate doesn't justify you being an inconsiderate jerk.

For the record….I'm not easily angered but being disrespected and wasting my very valuable time definitely sets me off. I ended up having another professor sign off so really the problem is taken care of and venting on this blog actually stopped me from writing the nastiest email to Mr. Jack so maybe this whole blog thing will turn out to be therapeutic.

University Center C, Floor 3, Mr. Jack’s office door.

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