Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Google is Amazing!

Wow, I am absolutely amazed at what people think up to make our lives easier. An advertisement in Ad Age, "7things you can do in the next 7 days to improve your bottom line", tells you all of the unique applications that Google has made specifically for people in our field. Here are my favorites..

1. Google.com/insights/search: here you can find the top websites that people are searching for. This can help you discover trends!

2. Google.com/adplanner: this is quantcast but better!! You can set up legit Media Plans with this adplanner.. you type in specific demo's and characteristics (similar to simmons), and then it crosses it with websites.

3. Google.com/sktool: this application is a search-based keyword tool. When we get into the ad buisness, one obvious way to increase sales is to make it easy to find on the web.. well sktool gives you keywords that your audiences uses that you would never think of!

4.****MY FAVORITE** This is amazing, google.com/apps/teamwork. this application SO useful when working with a team, it allows you to log on to different computers and see what is being worked on in REAL-TIME, this is so helpful when creating powerpoints, documents, and spreadsheets. This keeps everyone on the same page!


Google is Amazing!

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