Wednesday, December 3, 2008

People Never Cease to Amaze Me

My apartment was broken into this past Thanksgiving weekend. They got in through a window and broke down my bedroom door which was locked. They then preceded to take all of the jewelry I have ever had, ironically, after the summer in which my mother thought it was a good time to pass down all her nice jewelry. I now have nothing except my ring and my watch.
The amazing part is that, after the initial shock and anger, I started wondering about the people. I wondered what they thought about while they were in my apartment. Whether or not they noticed the pictures of my nieces and nephews all over my walls or my boxing gloves on the floor. Did they take their time and hang out or was it a speedy entrance and exit. What are they like when they're not stealing from people? Do they have girlfriends? Children? Families?
Though I can't really hold it against anyone except the ones who stole from me. No one was hurt, and if they really felt the need to go to that extreme they clearly needed the money more than I did.
At least I appreciated the creativity in their execution. Rather than coming in through the bedroom window, which would have been easiest, they boosted what is supposed to be a child, since the window is ridiculously small, through the window. Quite creative.

People Never Cease to Amaze Me

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