Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Will It Blend?

Some of you may be familiar with this series of videos that attempts to blend anything imaginable. Seriously. From iPhone's to glow sticks, you name it, it blends it. For those who don't know, the videos are part of a viral campaign demonstrating Blendtec's seemingly indestructible blenders. The videos feature Tom Dickson, the founder of Blendtec, in a white lab coat blending various objects while cheesy game show music plays in the background. While the videos themselves seem very low budget, you have to admit, the blender really works. Who wouldn't want to buy something that can turn golf balls into powder within seconds?

Because of it's amazing blending abilities, Blendtech's campaign has gathered quite a following. So much so, that not only are there countless YouTube videos testing the product's capabilities, there is also merchandise that can be purchased featuring the videos. I will admit, the videos are very entertaining. I found myself getting hooked and watching one after another to see what else could possibly be blended. As far as I've seen, the possibilities are endless.

Will It Blend?

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