Monday, November 3, 2008

Killer Parties Almost Killed Me (AKA The Trouble with the Election)

So I have a problem this election. No it's not about the candidates, that I have firmly decided. Instead it's about the people. Yes, all of us who are voting and all of those who are campaigning for a candidate. All the people who are "debating" politics in class. All the liberally biased media and all the conservative biased media. I have a problem with red states and blue states and I really can't understand it.
When did America become so fragmented? I know that we've always been a nation whose different regions held different ideologies, but when did we decide that anyone who disagreed with our view was our enemy? This election has already done so much harm to our country that it worries me. This election has gone on too long and the mudslinging (By both parties) has gone on for far too long. When did it become that Republicans and Democrats were enemies instead of people with opposing ideologies and when did it become so accepted to hate someone because of their beliefs?
I feel like politics in the last eight or so years have begun to resemble sports more than anything else. You're either a fan of the Donkey team or a fan of the Elephant team (Or one of those other ones. Green party anyone?) and you hate your rival or anyone associated with them.
What we really need is someone who will bring together America instead of fracturing it even more and it looks like we're going to have to wait at least another four years before that person comes along.
Between now and then, though, why don't we try to make a difference? Let's all try to realize that all Democrats or "Liberals" aren't Feminist Baby Killing America Haters and Republicans aren't all Gun toting Ignorant Rednecks. Instead they're just somebody with a different political ideology and not "the enemy."
In the end I'm just asking that people try to be more understanding towards each other. We all come from different places and have lived through different circumstances so we've all got different views, which is great, but we've got to learn to accept each other and their views....

Just a thought.

Killer Parties Almost Killed Me (AKA The Trouble with the Election)

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