Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ladies Only....

Sorry to be blogging about tampons and feminine products, but I saw this commercials and I couldn't help but laugh when I realized what it was for. When i first saw this commercial, I really didn't expect it to be a tampon commercial because it was unlike all the others. Kotex is working on a whole new re-branding for the company to try and separate themselves from the other feminine product commercials. They are breaking away from the stereotypical feminine product advertisements and even poking fun at all of their competitor's ads. The fact that there is sarcasm and humor in a tampon commercial, is a first for me. Representatives from Kotex were even handing out samples of their whole new packaging in the union on campus yesterday. With their new slogan, "Later, dullsville...hello, different" and bold bright colors they definitely catch the eye of the consumers. So I would watch out if I were Tampax or Playtex, a whole new brand and company is coming through.

Ladies Only....

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