Monday, April 5, 2010


I always look forward to April Fool's Day to see what kind of pranks people and companies are going to try to pull over on those unsuspecting of the date. The one that probably caught most people's attention this year (or at least the one I heard about the most) was Google's name change. I am a frequent Googler and utilize the site quite regularly. This was no different on April 1st, except as I entered my search, I realized something was amiss. It is not uncommon for Google to change the design of their name on the home page to recognize various holidays and occasions, so I almost didn't pick up on the subtle difference. While the name was in the normal, expected design, it did not say Google. Instead, it read "Topeka". Intrigued, I clicked on the new heading and was directed to Google's (or I guess Topeka's) blog where I read a very entertaining article that explained how the "city formerly known as Topeka" changed its name to Google and how Google decided to "honor the moving gesture" by changing their name to Topeka. The article goes on to explain the similarities between the two and also addresses some issues that were expected to arise from the name change. In addition , the article provides some info on proper 'Topkea' usage. Proper usage, for those who were wondering, is "Before our blind date I did a Topeka search on him". To learn more about the big change you can read the article for yourself: I applaud Google's/Topeka's sense of humor and appreciate them recognizing one of my favorite holidays. I think more companies out there should take advantage of occasions like this to stop being so serious and have a little fun.


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