Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Generation Y- Not?

Since today's class lesson on generations I've really been thinking a lot about my generation and how greatly we really do differ from those before us. Not only has it been the advancement of technology that has guided my generation to be the way we are, but like Melissa said in class today, it's also our parents and how we were raised that made us the way we are now.

With that said and because Generation "Y" just seems so boring and non-reflective of who we are, I think we should be renamed to Generation "Y-Not"? Like it was said in class today, we find ways to do things that no other generation has. Somehow we manage to read a book, write a paper, and chat on AIM all at once. Why? Because we can. So, why not? We may be seen as the lazy generation, yet we are also seen as tech savvy, innovative, and creative. So with that, why not be a little lazy at times? Maybe being lazy has helped us become so tech savvy and creative with the way we spend our free time.

Our parents (maybe not all, but some of them) have taught us to value their opinions with important decisions in our lives. If that helps us to get where we ultimately want to be in life, then why not call them once a day? Really, why not?

After googeling Generation Y, I have found an article saying that we are the generation to want to make change, such as refusing to wear formal clothes to work and ...

"They're like Generation X on steroids," Tulgan says. "They walk in with high expectations for themselves, their employer, their boss. If you thought you saw a clash when Generation X came into the workplace, that was the fake punch. The haymaker is coming now."

Generation Y likes to make change...Ironic that my post is about changing our title? I think not.

Generation Y- Not?

1 comment:

Jeff said...

"Our parents (maybe not all, but some of them) have taught us to value their opinions with important decisions in our lives. If that helps us to get where we ultimately want to be in life, then why not call them once a day? Really, why not?"

This was also a very Gen Y comment. We appreciate our parents as compared to Gen X which doesn't really care for their parents approval.