Sunday, February 17, 2008


I really wish I could stop being a huge procrastinator. In my defense, I always get my work done by the time it's due, I just wish I could force myself to start sooner sometimes. Even when I try to start things sooner, my mind wanders and I don't finish much. Maybe I just need to accept that I work better under pressure. I looked up some tips anyway...

How To Stop Procrastinating

  • Recognize that procrastination stems from habit. New habits will be needed, and these take time and commitment to develop.
  • Harold Taylor defines procrastination as the intentional and habitual postponement of an important task that should be done now.
  • Understand the cause for procrastination, then develop strategies to fix it.
  • Recognize the difference between an appropriate decision to delay, and an irrational postponement without justification.
  • Fix procrastination by working on a) tasks and b) your environment.
  • Unpleasant tasks rarely turn out to be as bad as you think.
  • Complete these tasks first. Schedule them for early in the day. Give yourself a reward for doing them.
I certainly think that rewarding myself will work. This is of course if I can think of something to reward myself with. I don't believe that these tips will actually stop me from procrastinating, so for now I will be content with the fact that I finish everything by the time it's due.


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