Friday, February 29, 2008


So I'm sitting here with my Rainbows ad idea, playing with photoshop trying to figure out how to make my idea come to life. Frustrated? That's an understatement! I think that the Ad program needs to have more than one class teaching how to use all of these software. We have Creative 1 and 2, why not have Multimedia 1 and 2? Too bad budget cuts would never allow for that. Anyway, can anyone tell me the website that has the picture galleries? I can't seem to find it. Thanks!



Susan said...

Hey Erin, getty images is really helpful. You should definitely check that one out. Good luck with photoshop!

Tom Laughon said...

I agree that getty is a terrific site and is another great one for photos and illustrations. The search engines on both sites really let you hone in on what you think you're looking for, but I just love to let visuals stimulate creative concepts ... they can be great ways to jump start your brain.

Melissa Laughon said...

I'd be glad to help anytime with design. Just call me.