Monday, April 7, 2008

I dedicate this to my family

This semester has been pretty great as far as building relationships and gay stuff like that. AND be so very proud of me, I'm getting so much better at brainstorming. This week, I decided to incorporate both aspect of this class into my blog. My memory sucks, so this takes effort. Here it is, a brainstorm of all the fun things that make me think of Mondays with Amanda and Tony.

2. Buckhead
3. Build a fort
4. Soulja Boy
5. 5'9"
6. "My boy John Hanlon"
7. I'm not a business man, I'm a BUSINESS man!
8. I'm addicted to myself
9. You MUST be Jamaican
10. Thursday night in Buckhead
11. So, we drove an hour and a half in the wrong direction.
12. Try on Vanessa's hat
13. Tony's heels
14. Spit your game, talk your.....
15. All that aggression
17. E harmony
18. Creating space
19. Papasons
20. Let me get a chicken basket, replace the mild sauce with barbecue sauce, a piece of toast and 4 extra barbecue sauces.
21. Family Thrift
22. Buys rap music
23. "This ain't New Orleans"
24. Stay up all night on Thursday
26. Cell phone lights
27. True colors
28. Terry Tate
29. "I'm not greedy I just want it"
30. Brownies
31. Bowling
32. Fancy pool33. My parents just got a divorce =(

34. 9th floor!!!

Just ask any of us to tell you about one of these and (after we stop laughing so hard that we cry), I'm sure we can tell you a pretty funny, pretty irrelevant story that has everything to do with our lives. I love my major!

I dedicate this to my family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice, this list is awesome!