Friday, April 25, 2008

Too many in a row

I just had to post again, since Stacy Lynn had about 10 in a row, I felt the need to do another one as well.

But what I was going to say was that I hope all the CSI presentations went well. Sadly, I couldn't make it since I am working (well, not right now, but I am working after and before I write this). I took too much time off during this past week with finals and stuff, and I have a huge deadline for Monday. So, my first weekend off of school will be lame. Anyway, I wanted to show you all some stuff I did while I was in Las Vegas that last week of class that I missed. If you surf over to, you can see some of the video I shot while there. I have since edited it and down sampled from HD to flash video, so that it can be played on the web. Isn't it interesting how sometimes you end up doing things you never learned ANYTHING about in school! (It does help that I did take some classes with information about video editing in high school, but baby, I am happy to be at a job where I can change my job description so frequently. Honestly, that is why I don't have a business card yet...we couldn't nail down a good title for me.

Too many in a row

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