Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This morning...

This morning I was driving down Virginia and about to cross Bronough when the car in front of me was hit by a car running through the light.

We had a green light and I guess the elderly woman on the cross street just didn't even see the light as she never hit her brakes.

What happened after was what blew my mind though. I gave my testimony to a cop and on my way back to the car I saw that one other man had stopped and was telling a different officer what happened.

But his story was that the car in front of me ran the light. I just don't understand why someone would say that? Was he simply confused or did he see who was driving the other car and intentionally skew the story?

I was just really bothered by this because now the person in front of me, who was not at fault, will have to pay out of pocket because there are conflicting stories on the events that occurred.

Could you imagine? I felt like I was in the twilight zone, I hope everything works out for her and I wish there was more I could do.

This morning...

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