Monday, March 24, 2008

Google Memory (aprosexia)

The other day I had an interesting idea or at least one that I feel to be interesting. This idea was in some ways inspired by Vanessa's aprosexia. Imagine if you could google search your own memory for images of people's faces, or notes from class, or just anything you can't quite recall (movies, songs, actresses’ names, appointments) all at the tip of your neurons. I don't know how this would work, but it's a neat concept. But then there's one problem... somebody will learn how to hack your memory, post spam, and all your dreams will be advertisements which isn't cool unless I'm the one designing them. Or maybe it would just make a cool google ad, " Google search engines, for everything that doesn't fit into memory". I don't know you run with it. Adios.

Google Memory (aprosexia)

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