Monday, March 31, 2008

From Creativity to Reality?

As I'm sitting here watching The Hills with 11 other twenty-something girls, the hour is filled with continuous "oohs" and "ahhs". What is it that makes reality shows so entertaining? If you really think about it, there's very minimal creativity put into making the series. People are followed around, told what to do and say and the footage is sliced and edited, music added, and played in such a way that every episode leaves the audience wanting more. It's a very simple concept and people just eat it up. I can even admit that I am a loyal Hill's watcher and I can't even pin point what exactly it is that intrigues me so much. Is it that watching other peoples' lives and problems distracts us from our own? Or is it that society has taught us to become infatuated with it because that "reality" is also what fills the media? Now that I think about it, I actually despise the lives of some of these girls.Heidi for instance, might as well be a plastic Barbie with the amount of plastic surgery she has had. She says that she loves her "fans" and wants to be a role model for younger girls, but what is she teaching these tween/teen girls by getting a boob job, nose job, and collagen injections? That in "reality" it's okay to change everything about your body that you hate and turn it into what society thinks is "beautiful" or "hot"? Please. I think these reality show girls need a little dose of reality themselves. As well as a cheeseburger.

From Creativity to Reality?

1 comment:

Vanessa Mc said...

I actually think its very creative what that someone came up with the idea of reality shows. The fact is, people are nosy. They love hearing about other people's problems. Its the whole misery loves company thing. Judging other people's lives is a whole lot easier than just evaluating your own. Reality producers are just monopolizing that.