Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Have You Lost Something?

So I guess I'm really into websites that serve a purpose. Obv-postsecret is my fave, but there's a close contender for second. It's called (it's in the same blog as ours!) Now, most of us are in college so we go out from time to time, and needless to say after a cocktail or seven we tend to lose things. The worst thing to lose-YOUR CAMERA! It's the worst, all your memories....GONE! My best friend lost her camera on her 21st had pictures from our spring break in the Bahamas and her birthday adventures. It was almost as if we had lost a friend (I know..kind of weird).
So these people (I don't really know who started it) created this blog, and they allow viewers to upload pictures from cameras people have found. It's a nice little touch to let you know that there's still some scrap of humanity out there. I check the website religiously to see if anyone's found my bf's camera, and I honestly believe that our pictures are going to be up there one day. There's nothing like being reunited with an old friend-so I'm keeping my fingers crossed :) And it's no wonder that sites like this and PostSecret get so many hits, they update so much so often that I have to try to NOT go back.

Have You Lost Something?

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