Thursday, October 16, 2008

Making your own fun is the BEST kind of fun =)

I love making the most out of a situation. And not to toot my own horn or anything but I think me and my friends do a fantastic job at it.

Case in point: this horrible critical essay that I had due today for one of my Anti-Creative classes. Well who woulda known! But my teacher actually gave us a pretty cool assignment. We had to write as a colonial native Latin American person (Maya, Inca, etc.) a letter to some monarch asking them to address some grievance or life threatening situation. Now you may think this is pretty fun..and so did I. But to my shock and horror kids in class hated it!!! They didn't make it fun or creative at all!....Actually I don't know why I'm shocked seeing as these are the same kids that couldn't function on the first day of school when the desks were not in straight rows! Lol. Anyways they pretty much wrote: To: King Blah blah. Long, lame, monotonous essay. Signed: so and so. For me it took a lot of research but it was SO hilarious writing it! If I was home I would upload it right now. They even put cover pages and all that jazz. What kind of letter to a King has a cover page!!!!!! I was a misplaced-lighter-close to burning the edges of the paper to make it look old and 16th century. Im still kickin myself in the butt for having no idea where it is.

Ad CLubs trip to Atlanta was one of the best make-your-own-fun experiences. There were little flubs here and there that put a good amount of ppl in a sour mood. But the best ad clubbers were the ones right there with me doin the soulja boy in the garage when we had nothing to do....or even better the ones who were building pillow fortresses with me late into the night =) =) instead of sleeping! And letting me hog all the blanket =) (actually they kinda put up a fight!)

AND making my own fun comes SO in handy every single T and TH as me and Vanessa sit through out Language and Culture class. That class is beyond lame. And I really thought about it and thats really the nicest way I could describe it. The class is so serious and anti-creative and the teacher is the lowest talker you will ever encounter in your life. I think she does it on purpose so no one talks. Well in that class we make fun by paying attention to every single possibly interesting detail in that class. Theres so many little stuff that regular ppl overlook that we find hilarious just cuz we'r SO starved for something interesting in that span of an 1 and 15 min.

Speaking of time. Teacher starts our 3:35 class at 3:30 every day!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways that class is fun-ish now b/c theres so many fun characters that we see in the boring kids so we've come up with little backstories for them and what we think they'll do interesting that day. Need an example: Okay. THeres a boy in that class that, without looking, you may think is an african amercian guy. He has a sort of urban dialect, so to speak. BUT he is not. He's and Italian kid from Jersey. THATs not even the best part. The best part is that he switches mid-sentence between African American speech to Italianish. He's all yo yo yo bro one minute and then dude I'm totally psyched the next. The bass in his voice even changes. He sounds like Barry White one minute and then Zack Morris the next. ITs fantastic. We think he may have grown up between homes..and maybe his dad lived in the projects and his mom lived with the country club. Im not even exaggerating this. I wanna bring him to class for show and tell!!

ANyways gotta go to that class now!! See you all Tuesday =)

Making your own fun is the BEST kind of fun =)


Anonymous said...

I'm suprised your head hasn't exploded, its so big... (thats what she said).

Vanessa Mc said...

Why are you trying to post as anonymous ANTONIO?

Amanda Gibbs said...

Excuse me what was bigheaded?? Geez!!