Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A hidden love

South Park is my favorite television show. When I was in middle school everyone would quote the show and obsess over its crude content, but I never took the time to try and enjoy it. I thought it was immature and pointless. Now that I am "older" I can't get enough of it. I watch it ON Demand and might even buy a few of the seasons, if they weren't so expensive. Today I stopped to think about how I could go from despising a show to loving it. I think that the reason for my change in perception isn't a change in my character, but the realization that the crude humor is a useful tool in communicating a larger concept. Every episode has a deeper underlying message and the writer's of the show use different themes to talk about these issues. That to me is fascinating to watch. It gets to the heart of why I enjoy advertising. I enjoy advertising because I am a fan of the art and skill involved in finding ways to communicate complex or simple messages in a unique way. Like South Park.

A hidden love

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