Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I don't have enough money to buy a lottery tidket, or do I?

With the declining economy hurting us everyday, it seems companies are pulling of their advertising from products. Imagine if advertising for large accounts are not putting as much money towards advertising then that must mean total chaos for the smaller ones. That brought me to this commercial that I uncovered for the lottery in Massachusetts. Now if people are having such trouble being able to purchase gasoline how would they have any extra money for a lottery ticket? This is where the people at Hill pushed the boundaries of creativity.

The tagline for their lottery ticket was "our biggest game ever." This ties in visually with the direction that the commercial was shot. This is why the size of the lottery card is gigantic and the commercial shows 2 blue collared workers. The commercial is fairly short but they get to the point fairly quickly!

I don't have enough money to buy a lottery tidket, or do I?

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