Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why we celebrate St. Patty's Day from the Perspective of a 4 year old

Before I left home on Sunday, I spent time with my 4-year-old little niece Kennedy:
and she was telling me all about the activities they're going to do in her class (pre-k) on Tuesday for St. Patty's day. Forgetting why we even celebrate St. Patty's Day, I decided to ask her to see if she knew. Her response was something like this, "Well Aunt Toni, Patrick was a saint and he was stolen from his mommy and daddy and went to Ireland. He prayed to God alot and was saved. Patrick then changed the people in Ireland to know God too and to believe in Him." After hearing her story, I looked it up, and she wasn't too far off actually. It's amazing what a 4-year-old can teach you, and how you would never know the actual story by the way we (Americans) celebrate it.. with getting wasted..

Why we celebrate St. Patty's Day from the Perspective of a 4 year old

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