Thursday, March 5, 2009


I'm sure most of you all know about this site,, as it seems to be one of the latest Internet crazes out there. It's a website in the form of short blogs where people post a statement about why their life sucks at the moment before they end with FML. As negative as it seems, it's actually pretty entertaining and some are even hysterical so don't feel bad about laughing at other people's miseries.

So if I had an account, here's what I would post...
1. I'm miserably sick...right before spring break, FML.
2. Woke up late today and missed my test, FML.
3. Got 4 parking tickets in 2 weeks, FML.

Those are all true. Pretty depressing, I know, which is why I seek comfort in the woes of others out there. They are even categorized by subjects such as Love, Money, etc. Here's one under the Love category that I found funny:

"Today my wife told me that she wanted a divorce. It is also my 39th birthday today. For my birthday, she gave me a subscription to FML"

ahahhhaaha, see how funny that was? For some of these posts you have to question it's legitimacy because it seems so far-fetched but if they are true then wow, their life really does suck. Kinda makes me feel better about myself... oh wait, this blog post was due yesterday? FML.


1 comment:

Jonny Arcila said...

I love fml, many of my precious hours have been spent reading them.

Here's my personal favorite:

Today, my girlfriend dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her "Edward". I asked her who Edward was. She held up a copy her "Twilight" book. She was talking about a fictional vampire. FML
