Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Obama Plate and Snuggies

This is one of my favorite commercials ever. It's so terrible I wanted to buy the plate. Or keep it on my desk to admire and nod at while I work. I'm pretty sure it's Obama's confident smile and kind eyes that really draw me in.

I'm beginning to wonder if this is actually a genius ploy. I have a friend who was going to pay the 20$ for the plate, not including shipping and handling because she thought it was so funny. And what about snuggies? They started out with semi-legit commercials, and people thought it was a good gag to buy one because they're such a ridiculous product. Afterwards, I think the snuggie people realized who their customer base was and took it to a new level. Suddenly, theres zebra print snuggies for your dog and middle-aged people in snuggies butt-bumping and raising the roof. It's 2010. Raising the roof? They have to be doing this on purpose.

Obama Plate and Snuggies

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