Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Advice from a recent grad

Hey Guys!

It is sooo much fun to take a break from my day and read some of your blogs. I know when I was in this class the blogs were one of my favorite parts. I've been reading a few and a common concern is internships. Trust me I've been there and I completely understand what you are going through. The good will find an will succeed...and you will graduate.

So my advice to you is be open to new opportunities and be creative in your intern search. If you are determined you will find a way to find an internship. I interned at Euro RSCG as my frist internship with no previous experience and I was able to get some experience in account services. How you ask? Trust me I knew I couldn't compete with people out there that already had tons of experience, so I took a different approach. I met the person in charge of interns at the AWNY conference and decided to try and intern in the HR department. No one really applied to that department so lucky for me I got it! While I was there I was asked if I wanted to help with an account since my background was advertising. I of course jumped at the opportunity. Then I worked my tail off everyday while I was there.

I know it seems impossible sometimes but I had a friend who worked for a sporting company and she asked to create her own internship and put together a creative plan for them to improve their website, make sample flyers and sales plans for them and that is how she got her internship credit.

This class is all about thinking outside of the box (sooo much fun!!!) take the same approach to your internship, believe in yourself, and in a few years you will be at your first job wondering how the hell you got there! Our program at FSU is amazing and if you are in this program taking this class then well you must be pretty extraordinary yourself.

Good luck, and have fun!!!

Advice from a recent grad


Michela Fleury said...

Heather! It was so nice to see your post here! I legit got excited! :)

Hope you are doing well. I hear that you are working with Universal on the Harry Potter account. That must be AMAZING. Keep me posted on everything! :)

Take Care & thanks for sharing your wisdom!
(Ps. this class is full of Rock Stars! so we will definitely be seeing them succeed in the future!)

Lauren Fenner said...

Thanks for the words of wisdom! It's good to hear some calming advice from people who have done the same thing we are doing. Also exciting to see other people are reading our blogs!