Monday, February 23, 2009

Drink Your Way to Beautiful Skin...

Over the weekend, I was having lunch with my friend Kaitlin. As I ordered my drink and the waitress walked away, she pulled out a bottle of water with its matching cup cap. Before I could even question this oddity, she began raving about Borba water, a drink created to replenish skin. After listening to all of the great things she had to say about it and how she 'swears by it', I took a sip and to my surprise, it was delicious. 

Skin improving water? After further investigation on my part of this fascinating new product, I learned about the three different Borba waters, one for breakouts, one for dry skin and another for aging skin. As I thought about it more, it made sense-the food we eat and the beverages we drink affects our internal balance, in turn affecting our skin. The water, now Vitamin Water's competitor, contains vitamins that replenish the skin, not only with hydration but with antioxidants to improve the overall tone of the skin. Now that topicals and skin creams have become less effective, people are moving to pills and foods to gain their vitamins. Not only is the product sold in organic stores, but mini fridges have also been inserted into cosmetic stores such as Sephora to promote great skin care. 

Move over XXX, a new antioxidant has hit the shelves! 

Drink Your Way to Beautiful Skin...

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