Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Giving up Facebook


This article is all about how to give up facebook for lent. I think it's a pretty creative idea and something many people probably need to consider. It amazes me how much facebook has become part of our lives. It's pretty hard to imagine life before facebook. How did people share pictures? Or know about different parties or events. It seems like such an obvious tool that really is pretty new. The article suggests that you change your status, and picture to the notifcation "Gave up facebook for lent". Now i dont know how many people would actually consider giving up their addiction to constantly knowing what everyone everywhere is doing. But it seems like a good idea. I know when I was living in Italy this summer I would go does without facebook, and I found that as long as you're busy it's really not that bad to live without it...sort of. The article gives some other tips, like writing down important birthdays, and turning off other accuonts like twitter. Now considering half of the people I know can access facebook via their mobile phone's, I dont know how likely this will be. But I think it would be an interesting challenge/experiment to see what life without facebook for awhile would be like. Would you suddenly feel completely disconnected? Or have nightmares that terrible pictures of you are being tagged? Either way, one thing is for sure, and that is that facebook is probably the least likely "thing" to be given up for lent.

Giving up Facebook

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