Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I want to go back...

Every Sunday, I would look through Post Secrets and save the ones that moved me. This is one of my favorites out of all the ones that I have saved. Athough the picture feels simple, I think it is really symbolic. The writer can't get passed the barrier that separates her from the vast open land that she could be carefree and young in. I think the barrier (the fence or whatever that is) represents the ideas and things that we learn that separate us from that creative world which this class tries to get us back into. Also the little girl looking towards this world shows how much of it that younger people have. The text capitalizes the creative world and young people and how special and great it is.

p.s. if you didn't know: Post Secrets is a blogging site as well where people submit postcards ananonymously that they have decorated with their deepest secrets on them. They are updated every sunday. 


I want to go back...

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