Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sail High School

I'm sure everyone has passed my Sail High School on Jackson Bluff and noticed its unconventional paint job for a house of learning.  I got to wondering what kind of High School would look remotely creative.  Because there were no alternative high schools I had the option of attending the idea is foreign to me, but I don't think it's a bad idea at all. I wonder if I would be a more creative person today if I had more options in high school.  I always had a "map" and couldn't veer very far from it and even if i wanted to my choices were limited. To some extent it's the same thing in college all over again. Seems like there's no room in academics for creativity any more.  With  all the schools who have had to cut art classes because of budget cuts it doesn't seem like things are getting any better.  However, at Sail High School there is more than enough room for creativity to thrive. Starting with their   unique curriculum in which they offer classes like juggling classes, fibers classes, and tai chi. They have a different approach to learning focused on the talents and interests of the individual students. 

Sail High School

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