Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Killing a Legacy

In my eyes the 1980 Coca-cola Super Bowl commercial of Mean Joe Green is up there with best ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc0izCGKxP8). But this Sunday the Coca-Cola Company took the legacy of that commercial and just flat out ruined it. They used the same basic principle, but with a Coke Zero comedic twist incorporating Steeler's defensive player Troy Polamalu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46M0yciKe7s). This seems to be a growing tendency, a company with a great commercial in the past and trying to alter it for the new generation, but in doing this they negate the great commercial. I don't think "Scarface" or "The Dark Night" are going to be released again with some new twist in the plot just because they were succesful the first time. Maybe the people thought they were being geniuses, or maybe the industry is just trying to hard. The old Mean Joe Green commercial was so simple, and it worked, hitting numerous emotions at the same time. Maybe its just me, but watch these commercials and let me know what you think.

Killing a Legacy

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