Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Long Live Che!

This post is mainly for the attendees of Strozier Library, but please, anyone feel free. For those of you who do frequent club stroz., how many of you use the computers on the first floor? Also, how many of you feel silly making laps around the computer section looking for an open computer? (Excluding the ones that sit up high, and make you feel like a toddler at Applebees) Now, during this quest for the holy pc, how many people on average would you say are sitting in front of a computer, not using it, doing book work, in front of the blue screen with the white catalogue box showing. Dead fu***ing weight, right. It's one thing to see someone sitting on facebook for thirty minutes, it's another thing to see some schlutz playing online video games (P.S. I'm writing this in Stroz, and the guy sitting next to me is playing video games, and now he's reading this post, and now he's standing up, and now's he's cocking his arm back, and yep, I just got punched in the face. The things I do for creative), but it is a whole nother ballgame to see someone not even making contact with the general input devices (Colaizzi shoutout).

I have a strong feeling that there are more people who dislike this setup, than people who do it and think nothing less of themselves. With this majority established, the revolution can begin. First, we need to get the idea out that people are hoarding community pc's for no good reason. I'll bet that everyone of us has felt like this, but not thought to bring it up in conversation. Let's start the conversation, turn some ears, get people thinking. Then, we have to give the do'ers of this little deed a catchy name. Something that relates to this action, but is more funny than derogatory. People love trendy pigeonholding names, and when approached with a situation as discussed, will jump at the chance to call somebody out. I was thinking plop goblin or something of that nurture (nature is overrated). Hopefully, with this new lingo floating through the ears of Strozier attendees, we will see a gradual decline in the afformentioned haneous display of non pc usage. I would like to think that the characters contributing to the problem are smart enough (although it's definitely an ego issue) to know that there are a variety of spacious table's, with an ample array of chairs, located on multiple stories, circa a plethora of nooks and crannies, amongst an abbundance of other people who are using the resources club stroz has to offer COURTEOUSLY!

It's your library, now take it back. Viva la Revolution!

Long Live Che!

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