Monday, March 1, 2010

Your Tires All Flat and Junck

This ad was brought to my attention by my fellow classmates as we were preparing for a group project for Advertising Research (AVD 4500). I had never seen the Geico insurance ad before, which is funny because we were doing our project on State Farm insurance. I think this ad succeeded because it is funny in a sense that we have all experienced or will experience something damaging to our car, when it was caused against our controll. We know how much we hate it, but it is sometimes inevitable. The pothole has a southern twang and is saying that yes she knows good and well she caused the car to get a flat tire, but too bad soo sad. The ad is implying that when these kind of things happen, that Geico wil be there for you. Great job Geico, you grabbed my attention, made me remember the ad, and made me want to share it with others. This ad definitely beats the gecko...sorry little guy.

Your Tires All Flat and Junck

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