Monday, September 15, 2008

Mia Sorella

I briefly mentioned my sister in my last blog, and I feel as though I did her a great injustice by making her appear silly and stuck-up. She is not. My sister baffles me. My one goal in life is to move people to action to benefit my client. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing depends on who you're talking to. If you're talking to my mother then it is a very bad thing. My sister's goal in life is to make everyone else happy. She actually wants to be a doctor and has wanted to be a doctor for the sole purpose of making children feel better, and removing the stress and panic of their parents. Unlike other applicants who just want the money. She has actually developed axiety-disorder because she is so concerned about the well-being of everyone else.
I have never met a person more considerate or caring. Yet, she is having trouble getting into medical school. She actually deserves it and really wants it, and some shmuck from Harvard with an outstanding GPA is getting in before her. He'll probably get sued for making some stupid mistake because he doesn't actually care about the patients. Anyway, the point is, that in the creative world you have to be the best. The proof is in the pudding. You either do great work and get the results that you need or you don't. Medicine isn't so clear-cut. In fact, it's a murky, confusing, and disturbing line of work and in some ways, I have it easier than her.

She always says exactly what I need to hear (even if I don't want to at the time) and she is brave even though she doesn't think so. I want nothing but good things for her and I can't wait to promote her private practice someday.

Mia Sorella

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