Monday, September 29, 2008

Stock Market Crash?!

On October 29th, 1929 the Stock Market Crashed, beginning the Great Depression of the 1930's.
On September 29th, 2008 the Stock Market Crashed again, with an end to be determined.

I, had no idea any of this was happening. Today I was walking to my car to drive home from school when my dad called to tell me Congress didn't pass some Bail Out Bill and then the economy took an even further plunge into the depths. It made me reailze just how out of touch I am with the world of important current events. I knew the momnet Clay Aiken officially came out, but I was completely oblivious to the impending doom of our nation's economy. I guess I just figured since there was nothing I could really do to change it, I didn't need to know about it. Bad plan. I don't know how many college students there are out there who, like me, have turned a blind eye to things which effect our country. It is interesting, when Heath Ledger died it was all over facebook and other popular sights, people who were in no way affected were playing their hommage to thei decceased actor, but as we watch our current way of life slowly die we seem to notice nothing. Not one of my friends online have mentioned a thing about the crash today. It is a real shame. From this I have decided it will be my new mission to be more informed on the world around me. I'm not yet sure how I will accomplish this, but it will happen. No more "crashing" suprises for me.

Stock Market Crash?!

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