Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So I have been trying to post my blog all day long, but my account keeps telling me I have the wrong password (when I don't) and I've had to reset my password three times already! Has this happened to anyone else? Anyways I think I definitely receive the award for latest post because class starts in approximately 20 minutes! Besides my technical difficulties I wanted to share with you all a new site (it's new to me anyways) called Squidoo. The site is part encyclopedia/myspace. It's actually really cool. There is information about everything on here. If you wanted to learn to scuba dive for example, you could search scuba diving on Squidoo and learn everything from techniques, destinations, and even what gear to use. Most lenses even display e-bay auctions related to the topic right on their page. You can set up a page, or as they call it a lens, about anything that you are interested in or know a lot about. Then people read your lens and comment on it. People actually make money from the site too! I was introduced to the site by my boss at my internship. One of our clients is trying to increase the number of search results their company appears in on search engines. Creating a lens on Squidoo can actually be helpful because it optimizes the client's name in searches when people use a search engine like Google. Also it is free marketing! Check it out, you won't be disappointed! See you all in class....in about 10 minutes!

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