Monday, September 29, 2008

School of Photoshop

Being someone who is always trying to learn new things with design and Photoshop, I figured I'd try to share some of my knowledge with some people in class. Well, not so much my knowledge as much as pointing people in the right direction. I know of some great tutorial web sites that can help start some people with Photoshop.

There is a great tutorial set over at a site called Tutorial 9. They call it School of Photoshop and it takes you from "Pre-School" all the way to "Grade 9" (Grade 10 coming soon they say).

And here are a couple tutorials to learn how to create print product advertisements.

Energy Drink

Create Water Drops/iPod Ad

Phone Advertisement

Laptop Advertisement

School of Photoshop

1 comment:

Justin said...

Thanks a lot! This link looks like it'll be pretty useful.