Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I stumbled upon a blog earlier this summer that had some simple and yet wonderfully creative logos. I had to share this with you all so that we all remember the importance and power of a great simplistic design. Here's the site www.cleverthink.com/2007/12/logo-palooza.html ....there's only a few logos on there but they're really cool once you take a second look and read more about them.

But for now...case in point: FedEx

I don't know about you all but I never noticed that the designers of the FedEx logo cleverly created an arrow between the letters 'E' and 'X'. I adore that little arrow. Once you see it you'll always see it. Its clever,subtle, and represents their speedy, direct delivery.How perfect! Now it's forever the first thing I see whenever I see a FedEx truck or package...it's haunting. Sometimes I wonder if people notice it without being told. I sure hope so....
I also love the logo for amazon.com. Partly because as much as I've been on that site and have seen that logo, I've never thought to really look at it....until now. It's great in that within the design there's an arrow that represents that the company has everything from a to z. BUT they took the idea even further by turning the arrow into a smile thus promoting the notion that shopping with amazon.com = a good time!
Last one. No explanation needed. It's for the Milwaukee Brewers baseball team

See you all in class!!!!

I hope you always see the arrow... ;-)



Justin said...

I was at work one day just staring at the side of one of the trucks (we had a little break.) and I noticed it one day. The next day we talked about it in my Creative I class...

Vanessa Mc said...

As SOON as I saw Fedex I was like "Amanda wrote this blog!"

DIZZY said...

WOW I have never noticed that before about the FedEx logo... I love it!