Monday, January 19, 2009

Arts and Crafts

When I was younger I was obsessed with crafts. All different kinds. For every birthday I would hope for the newest paint set or craft kit. Something about being able to create with colors really interested me. I went to art camp, always had my art displayed in the mall art shows, and would often do crafts after school with my neighborhood friend Andrew. This I would say was the peak of my creativity.

This summer I took an art class while studying abroad in Florence, when I realized I really am not good at art. I was under the impression it would be easy and I'd pick up where I left off. How wrong I was. My sketches looked like a kindergartner could have done it. This made me wonder where my creativity went. Was I always not as good as I thought I was? Or had my artistic ability not flourished because I was stuck in my old ways. I guess it just went to show that art, or creativity needs to be practiced. No matter how good you think you are it seems that it can be lost if you forget about it.

Lisa Gluckstern

Arts and Crafts

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