Monday, January 19, 2009

Don't Get Caught!

Two summers ago, I had an internship in the marketing department of a fragrance company, Dana Classics, Inc. Throughout the summer, I was given the opportunity to work hands on with the development of new products for the company. My main focus over the summer was to help create a new bath line of Love's Baby Soft, a fragrance from our parents' time that smells like baby powder, and provide a younger insight into the market. I was the go to girl for testing which texture of bath gel seemed softer and which shade of pink the contents should be. I also helped to come up with the adorable design of the bottle and gift set packaging. The internship improved my attention to detail and development of creativity.

Because this was my first experience working in such a department, I was naturally very proud of my work. While the brand is only sold in Walmarts and CVS stores, my mom continues to purchase them every time she happens to pass one. I, on the other hand, just relocate them. 

This past weekend, I was in a Walmart in Georgia. I was passing through the bath section and found my product on the top shelf of the aisle. I thought to myself, top shelf?! That will not do. Nobody could see the product in order to purchase it. Unable to accept the fact that this was going unseen and not purchased, I had my boyfriend take every single gift set off the top shelf. I then proceeded to relocate them to a shelf right at eye level with customers and moved other products to the top. While I am sure the employees of Walmart would not appreciate this, the executives at Dana Classics definitely would!

Don't Get Caught!

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