Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Someone has to be the first...

Today the United States of America will have a new president, a new president for a new era. Barack Obama will be the first African American president this country has ever had.

Out of all of this, the thing I find most interesting is the generation differences in the way people are going to react to such a major event in world History. There's the older generation who has lived through a segregated south who are living to see the transition from having to drink out of different water fountains to the inauguration of an African American into the presidential office. Then there is our generation who understands the weight of the situation, but can't really grasp it completely. And finally there is the generation of kids who for them Barack Obama isn't "THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT" but only another president that they don't care about. They might remember this day when they are older, but it won't be for years until they fully understand what they witnessed. No matter what generation you're a part of, today is going to be a milestone in your life, and you'll most likely be telling your children or grandchildren the story in years to come.

What I also find to be fun, is that in years to come, I'll be reading about today in a text book, and I will be able to say that I was there watching it all.


anyone gonna grab newspaper? hold onto it? sell it on ebay (or whatever the popular auction/trade site is) in like 50 years?


I saw Notorious this weekend, the story of the life and times of Christopher Wallace (1972 -1997) better known as The Notorious B.I.G. and now all I want to do is rap.

Drop The Beat

Someone has to be the first...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want to hear you rap Jordan, perhaps next class?