Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ask Cha Cha

I found out about the coolest way to get information the other day. Some of you already know about it, but there is a company that has people sitting on google 24/7 and answering questions received via text. My friend told a story at dinner about her friend's snake. Her friend used to sleep with the snake every night(creepy I know) and it always slept in a ball, but he started sleeping in a straight line after he got bigger. The vet told her that the snake was measuring her body to see if it could eat her, and that as long as a snake is as long as it's pray, it can swallow it. My other friend at dinner has a ball python and said that she didn't believe that story and said that a python can't eat a human. This is when I learned about Ask Cha Cha. We called them and asked our question and five minutes later they texted back the answer. Turns out according to google snakes can in fact eat  humans, but they can only eat small children up to 4 ft. So I guess that includes midgets too. I think that you could make a funny ad campaign for Ask Cha Cha because you can get really creative with the stories that lead to using the service. Maybe play on the "so people can't bullsh*t anymore" theme, a girl's boy friend is at dinner with her parents and tries to impress them, but the dad decides to be an ass and ask cha cha to call the kid out on the bullsh*t.  

Ask Cha Cha


Shawn M. said...

this really takes me back. a couple of friends and I used to raid cha-cha a couple years ago, and ask ridiculous questions.

for example, as a search site, could they help me find my lost keys?

help me find Jesus? (if they played along i would then tell them that i wanted to ask him where my keys were).

some of the operators would immidiately jump off-line, but every once in awhile you'd stumble upon one that would play along. They would tell you where they were located, what they were going to do after work, even how to become employed at cha-cha.

I even had one guy keep a conversation up with me at one point while me and a few other friends of mine were bombarding the website. He said one of the operators was becoming really irratated, and nearly pulling his hair out.

he then went ahead and asked the guy where my keys were for me.

bottom line, cha-cha can provide some fun for you if youre creative, and bored.

Caitlyn said...

haha....yea after i found out about it i messed with one of them and he went along for like 20 minutes. If I worked for ask cha cha i would mess with people bc they're probably bored and/ or stonned all day and it would be really entertaining to mess with a bunch of weird people that you'd never have to see face to face. Also you would learn alot of fun random facts. I really want to work for cha cha come to think of it.

Jonny Arcila said...

I love ask cha cha, if you got a question they will answer it. No matter how ridiculous your question is too haha. This cha cha character is a genious!