Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It's something my friends and I have been doing for years now, and I was just curious if any one else did it with their friends. I'm talking about comparing people or objects to other people or objects. And I'm not talking about about "oh, that girl kind of looks like Jess" (Jess being a good friend). We've all done that. I'm talking about comparing that guy who sells peanuts at the baseball games to Jaffar from Aladdin. I'm talking about Sasha Kahn (a basketball player for Kansas) to Carl from Ghost (the bad guy from the Swayze flick), but only Carl at the end of Ghost. We called that one 'late movie Carl." I'm talking about trans-gender, animated, inter-racial, trans-specied, 2D, 3D, if two guys had a kid (and you compared that kid to someone), if two girls had a kid, etc.

I bring all this up for two reasons. First, it takes a hell of a lot of creativity to come up with an intriguing comparison. Second, after taking Desktop, I mentioned to my friends that I could create a website (although for those of you who had that class with me, you would disagree), where people could submit comparisons with explanations as to their arrival at these comparisons. Would any of you take the time and or pride in submitting these completely irrelevant but hopefully extravagant comparisons?


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