Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Everyone at Florida State knows that when a girl turns 21 she has a waltz. This entails the birthday girl coming up with a theme, usually with the help of her friends and going out to celebrate. I do not think boys have waltz's, I have never heard of nor seen one. I think this is a really special tradition that our school has. A lot of my friends from home in Georgia go to big universities very similar to FSU but do not have a tradition like this. I am very excited to finally have my turn after sharing the experience with many of my friends.
One of my best friends ended up coming up with my theme. The theme is titled "Paris Hilton and her BFF's". This was a tv show that just recently aired on MTV. I do not think the show was very popular, but everyone knows who she is. I think it would be fun to have everyone dress in a black with over the top costume jewelery and big sunglasses. Her style is very outrageous so whatever I wear it has to be loud and stand out. Now that I have picked my theme, decided what everyone else should wear I just have to figure out what I am going to wear!


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